
by bentcrayon on 08/16/2013
addison groove & sam binga | bs3 | 12 akos rozmann | images of the dream & death | 3 LP arnaldo | blank slate 003 | 12 bare mutants | affliction | LP beroshima | real 2 reel | CD
blondes | swisher | 2 LP causa sui | euporie tide | CD cosmic handshakes | the delicate details | 12 crocodiles | crimes of passion | CD daniel aspuru/manrico montero/steven brown | correspondances | CD
especially good | foundation | LP four tet | kool fm | 12 funkinevil | ignorant | 12 ghost outfit | i want you to destroy me | LP hank jackson | deposit | 12
jo thomas | mermaids | LP kandodo | k2o | LP + 7 lettera 22 | physical point | LP masonna | spectrum ripper | LP + CD merzbow | grand owl habitat | LP
minks | tides end | LP novi_sad | neuroplanets | CD philogresz | emerald's edge | 12 pop. 1280 | imps of perversion | LP rashad becker | traditional music of notional species vol 1 | LP
sabre | bali/ging | 12 sandwell district | fabric 69 | CD skullflower | kino i: birthdeath | CD skullflower | kino ii: form destroyer | CD skullflower | kino iii: xaman | CD
skullflower | kino iv: black sun rising | CD these hidden hands | ivy | 12 ty segall | sleeper | LP various | 20 jahre kompakt/kollektion 2 | 2 CD various | new music for old instruments | CD
venom p stinger | 1986-1991 | 2 CD venom p stinger | waiting room | LP venom p stinger | what's yours is mine | LP washed out | paracosm | LP yves de mey | metrics | LP
zeitgeber | s/t | CD zola jesus | versions | CD wire | september 2013 | MAG