
by bentcrayon on 06/8/2012
blanche blanche blanche | wink with both eyes | LP burial hex | book of delusions | CD cozy | cola shock kids  | 7" crystal syphon | family evil | LP d.a.f. | produkt der deutsch-amerikanischen freundschaft | LP
dean blunt & inga copeland | black is beautiful | LP dntel | aimlessness | CD dva | pretty ugly | 2 LP e.t. habit | venomous | 7" eric lanham | the sincere interruption | LP
far-out fangtooth | thorns | 7" function | obsessed | 12" guy reibel | granulations-sillages/franges du signe | LP jean piche | heliograms | LP kandodo | s/t | LP
keith fullerton whitman | occlusions: real-time music for hybrid digital-analogue modular synthesizer | LP laurel halo | quarantine | LP liars | wixiw | CD mark ernestus | xale | 12" mats lindstrom | mig | LP
mike scheidt | stay awake | LP modeselektor/martyn | modeselektion vol 02 | 12" mum | early birds | 2 LP mum | yesterday was dramatic-today is ok | 2 LP nice face | horizon fires | LP
oh no | ohnomite | 2 LP pauline oliveros | reverberations: tape & electronic music 1961-1970 | 12 CD philippe laurent | hot-bip | LP plateaus | do it for you | 7" plvs vltra | parthenon | LP
rayon beach | this looks serious | LP rolf julius | raining | CD roman flugel | cookie dust | 12" ruins | the art dance | LP sensate focus | 5 | 12"
simon scott | below sea level | CD sir richard bishop | intermezzo | LP sleep research facility | stealth | 2 CD sog | for the love of god | LP+CD stereo total | cactus versus brezel | LP+CD
tallest man on earth | there's no leaving now | CD taragana pyjarama | tipped bowls | 2x 10" + CD the bags | all bagged up: collected works 1977-1980 | LP tv buddhas | band in the modern world | 12" unknown | the time is now | 12"
ursprung | s/t | LP wet hair | spill into atmosphere | LP wymond miles | under the pale moon | CD